Learning Success Hub workshops, available six days a week including evenings, are designed to support your academic journey and help you gain confidence in academic writing, approaching assignments, using the Library and much more

You can attend workshops online and on campus to fit around your busy schedule. All workshop times are in UK time.

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Workshop Details

Beginner Academic Skills Workshops

Guide to Synthesis Icon

A Guide to Synthesis

This workshop covers the essentials of synthesis, offering practical guidance on combining sources to demonstrate deep understanding, and provides a supportive environment for students to practice this critical academic skill.

After this session you may want to attend: Paraphrasing, Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing

Active Listening Icon

Active Listening

This workshop explains how mastering active listening enhances note-taking, lecture comprehension, and feedback interpretation, offering tips and advice to help students integrate and elevate their existing skills for academic success. 


After this session you may want to attend: Notetaking, Time Management, Proofreading

Critical Thinking Icon

An Introduction to Critical Thinking

This workshop aims to provide students with a better understanding of how to progress from descriptive writing to a more critical discussion. The session looks at evaluating sources, argument construction and employing more critical language in your writing.

After this session you may want to attend: Critical Thinking and Writing, An Introduction to Academic Writing, Reflective Writing

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An Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is used to create presentations, which are a common format for assessments at university. This hands-on workshop will cover how to create a presentation from start to finish, as well as how to record and narrate a presentation. 

After this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Microsoft Word 

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An Introduction to Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is used to create the majority of written assessments at university, such as essays and reports. This hands-on workshop will cover the essentials of using Word, including how to create and format a document.

After this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint 

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An Introduction to the Library

This workshop is a basic introduction to one of the most important online platforms that you will be using during your time at Arden. It provides a basic walkthrough of how to access the library and carry out searches.

After this session you may want to attend: Advanced Literature Searching, Understanding Research 

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Approaching Assignments

This workshop provides you with an overview of how to prepare and submit your assignments, including planning ahead to get your assignment completed on time, plus the challenges that you might face during your studies and how to overcome them.

After this session you may want to attend: Developing Your Academic Voice

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Body Doubling study session

Struggling to stay focused on tasks? Feeling overwhelmed by the demands of university life? You're not alone. This session will give you the chance to use body doubling to spend some time focused on a task in a supportive environment.

After this session you may wish to attend: Time Management.

Academic Voice Icon

Developing your Academic Voice

This workshop focuses on using academic language to clearly articulate and communicate your thoughts in both your spoken and written assessments, enabling you to express yourself with more confidence.

After this session you may want to attend: Academic Judgment, Reversing the Outline

Evaluating Resources Icon

Evaluating Resources

This workshop gives students an overview of the importance of using trustworthy resources in academic writing and provides practical techniques for assessing and evaluating information from a range of sources. 

After this session you may want to attend: Understanding Research, Critical Thinking and Writing

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Excel Drop-In

Have a quick question about Excel? In this session, an Academic Skills Tutor will be available to answer all your Excel questions! Stop by for five mins, or stay for the whole hour, it’s completely up to you!

After this session you may want to attend: Advanced statistics.

Fundamentals of  Writing Icon

Fundamentals of Writing

In this workshop we will explore the ways that you can begin writing clear and effective sentences using a range of punctuation marks and sentence structures. By the end of this workshop you will have learnt about the rules for writing sentences, but most importantly you will know how to interpret those rules in order to improve the clarity of your writing and the message you want to communicate.

After this session you may want to attend: Developing your academic voice

Generating Ideas Icon

Generating Ideas (Getting Started)

This workshop will guide you through techniques and approaches to creative and original thinking, covering techniques like mind-mapping, discussion, free-writing, and other reflective practices to unlock your ideas for your assignments.

After this session you may want to attend: Reflective Writing, Understanding the Assignment

how to pitch ideas

Improve your skills with Linkedin Learning

This workshop will introduce two online resources that can help you to identify and develop specific digital skills for study, showing you how to develop an action plan based on your priorities, and identify relevant resources via LinkedIn Learning and the Library to help you achieve those goals. 


After this session you may want to attend: IT Essentials for Students 

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Introduction to Academic Writing

This workshop is an introduction to the importance of structuring, editing, and proofreading your work, highlighting some of the conventions that are useful and explaining what to avoid. 

After this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Critical Thinking 


Introduction to the new Learning Success Hub

Short overview sessions of the new Learning Success Hub website, detailing where you can find your resources and how to navigate through the different services offered across our teams.

how to write a formal email

IT Essentials for Students

This workshop covers the essential digital skills students need when joining Arden, including downloading Office software for free, using your student email, using Zoom, saving work, and navigating iLearn.

After this session attend: An Introduction to Microsoft Word, or An Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint. 

New to University Icon

New to University: What does it involve?

The New to University session is an introduction to university life, focusing on distance and blended learning, and aims to orientate you to the nature of academic study.

It also provides an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you may have, and for us as to share our experiences of studying at university and to dispel common misconceptions and myths around what university and academic study is. This is an icebreaker session and aims to provide some practical guidance and advice.

After this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments, Developing Your Academic Voice

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As a university student you will need to make notes about the texts you read and the lectures you attend. This workshop will demonstrate that by taking notes you can effectively kickstart your learning, initiating the process of understanding and memorising new concepts and information from a very early stage. We will explore a few different styles of notetaking so that you can find the one that suits you best.

After this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments, Time Management

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This workshop will explore the fundamentals of paraphrasing techniques, providing clear guidance on how to use them, allowing you to demonstrate the depth of your subject understanding and your ability to combine relevant material from many sources.

After this session you may want to attend: A Guide to Synthesis, Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing

Presentation Skills Icon

Presentation Skills

This interactive workshop will take you through the basics of using Microsoft PowerPoint within your work, providing hints and tips for making the most of the software in creating and delivering presentations.

After this session you may want to attend: Generating Ideas, Time Management, Notetaking


Programming with Java Part 1

This workshop covers programming using Java, including how to define an algorithm, understand the key features of Java programming language, and develop the foundational skills to write basic Java programs. Before the workshop you will need to install VS Code with Java pack: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/java OR create a free account on https://replit.com for maximum benefit.

After this session you may want to attend Programming with Java Part 2 

Generating Ideas Icon

Programming: Number Systems and Storage Concepts

This workshop provides transferable knowledge applicable across computer science disciplines. It will help you to describe and classify the concepts of the decimal positional number systems, build your knowledge of Binary and Hexadecimal number systems, and start work with data using these systems.

After this session you could attend Python for data mining part one; Introduction to programming: Java part one

Proofreading Icon


This workshop is designed to help you with the last stages of completing your assignments. It aims to walk you through the process of proofreading your own work, providing you with some hints and tips to improve your proofreading ability.

After this session you may want to attend: Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing Paraphrasing, A Guide to Synthesis 

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography icon

Referencing: APA style

This workshop is specifically for the APA referencing style (which is used in Psychology and related subject areas), focusing on citations and how to construct some of the most common types of references.

After this session you may want to attend: Paraphrasing, Paragraph Structure


Referencing: AU Harvard style

This workshop is specifically for the Arden University Harvard referencing style (which is used in Business, Social Sciences, and related subject areas), focusing on citations and how to construct some of the most common types of references.  

After this session you may want to attend: Paraphrasing, Paragraph Structure


Referencing: OSCOLA style

This workshop is specifically for the OSCOLA referencing style (which is used in Law and related subject areas), focusing on citations and how to construct some of the most common types of references.

After this session you may want to attend: Paraphrasing, Paragraph Structure

Time Management Icon

Time Management

Always leaving your assignments to the last minute? Don't know how to effectively plan your assignments? This Time Management workshop will provide you with the tools you need to stay on track and meet your deadlines.

After this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments 

Understanding Plagiarism Icon

Understanding academic integrity

This workshop will introduce you to some of the reasons why referencing is such an important part of your academic journey and how best to maintain academic integrity so that you can avoid plagiarism. 

After this session you may want to attend: Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing, Paraphrasing, A Guide to Synthesis

Understanding Research Icon

Understanding Research

This workshop will support you in being able to understand how to recognise different forms of research, the different elements that research papers may include and factors that you will want to consider when evaluating studies for use in assignments.

After this session you may want to attend: Evaluating Resources, Reflective Writing 

the Assignment Icon

Understanding the Assignment

In this workshop, we will look at ways to break down assignment questions to develop understanding and take time to practise the skills you need to start drafting clear and original responses to assignment questions.

After this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments, An Introduction to Critical Thinking

Your Virtual  Classroom Icon

Using AI for Academic Purposes

This workshop will take you through how generative AI tools can be used in ethical ways for academic work, as well as ‘what not to do.’ We will also clarify how accessibility tools can be used and referenced in assignments.

After this session, you may want to attend: Referencing (Harvard/APA /OSOCLA), Paraphrasing

Turnitin Icon

Your Guide to Turnitin

This workshop will take you through the basics of how to upload one of your assignments, as well as walking you through, and breaking down, the Turnitin report.

After this session you may want to attend: Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing; A Guide to Synthesis and Paraphrasing

Your Virtual  Classroom Icon

Your Virtual Classroom: Zoom

This workshop introduces you to the virtual classroom where some of your teaching may take place, providing guidance on netiquette and showing you Zoom’s different features, while giving you the chance to ask questions.

After this session you may want to attend: Presentation Skills, Time Management, Notetaking

Intermediate Academic Skills Workshops

Statistics Icon

An Introduction to Statistics

Are you daunted by statistics and would like to understand more about working with statistical data? This workshop provides an opportunity for hands-on practice on performing descriptive statistics manually and with Microsoft Excel.

After this session you may want to attend: Using Specialist Software (SPSS), Advanced Statistics

Thinking & Writing Icon

Critical Thinking & Writing

"Your writing is too descriptive, you need to be more critical" is a common piece of feedback students receive on their essays, but what does it actually mean? This workshop explores the focus, language and approach required to produce clear critical writing. It demystifies the subject by giving practical examples of how we all use critical thinking and provides a framework for students to interact with academic texts critically and with confidence.

Before this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Critical Thinking

 Write an Argument Icon

How to Write an Argument

This workshop introduces the fundamentals of academic writing, using practical examples to encourage students to find their own voice and exploring the fundamental concepts of structure, tone, and comparison.

Before this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments 

identifying a research topic icon

Identifying a Research Topic (Dissertation)

This workshop is for those students approaching their final year research project, helping you generate ideas for research topics, assess whether the topic could realistically be carried out and get you started on the first stages of research.

Before this session you may want to attend: Evaluating Resources, Understanding Research 

Paragraph Structure Icon

Paragraph Structure

In this workshop, we will discuss how you can begin to express your ideas effectively by constructing coherent and cohesive paragraphs, providing you a space to practise constructing and linking paragraphs that convey your arguments clearly.

After this session you may want to attend: How to Write an Argument 

Dissertation Icon

Programming with Java Part 2

This workshop covers the most important programming control structures and participants will learn how to write and implement simple Java programs. Before the workshop you will need to install VS Code with Java pack: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/java OR create a free account on https://replit.com for maximum benefit.

Before this workshop please attend Programming with Java Part 1

 Literature Searching Icon

Python for data mining Part 1

This workshop introduces the Python skills required for data mining operations, including file operations, modules and applications including NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. 

Before the workshop, ensure you have Python installed. Options include: 

After this session you may want to attend Python for Data Mining Part 2

Reflective Writing Icon

Reflective Writing

This interactive workshop will guide you through the process of using reflective models in your practice and will provide practical tips for meaningful reflection, to draw on your experiences and reflect on your learner journey so far.

Before this session you may want to attend: Academic Judgement, Developing Your Academic Voice

Writers Retreat Icon

The Arden Writers Retreat

Providing focused time away from distractions to finish our assignments, each online session lasts an hour, during which time you can focus on completing your current assignment, supported by an Academic Skills Tutor, Librarian or Student Coach.

After this session you may want to attend: Proofreading, Reversing the Outline

Dissertation Icon

What is a Dissertation? (Dissertation Preparation)

This workshop introduces the purpose and potential of an extended research project, addressing key questions: ‘How do I find a topic? What academic skills are necessary for a dissertation? What can I write about? What is a literature review?’

Before this session you may want to attend: Understanding Research, Academic Judgement 

Advanced Academic Skills Workshops

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography icon

Advanced Library Searching

This workshop will introduce you to some of the more advanced features of the library that you can use to find sources for your assignments, including key word selection, search strategies and using filters to refine your search results. 

Before this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to the Library, Notetaking, Understanding Research

Advanced Statistics Icon

Advanced Statistics

Have you already attended 'An Introduction to Statistics'? Are you ready for the next level? Then this workshop is for you. There will be opportunity for hands-on practice on performing advanced statistics manually and within Microsoft Excel.

After this session you may want to attend: Using Specialist Software (SPSS)

Dissertation Icon

How to Format Your Dissertation

Writing a dissertation involves many skills, including the ability to present your work clearly. This workshop will help you to explore the basics of dissertation structure, providing hints and tips for using Word effectively when writing your dissertation.

After this session you may want to attend: Proofreading 

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography icon

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography

This workshop will equip you with the understanding, and evaluative and analytical frameworks for writing a meaningful annotated bibliography, as well as developing reflective thinking techniques to situate your work within your broader research/subject.

After this session you may want to attend: Understanding Research 


Organising your references using Mendeley

This workshop will walk you through the basics of how to use Mendeley for storing and managing your literature, providing a practical demonstration of how to add your existing literature ready for use in your documents. 

After this session you may want to attend: Understanding Plagiarism, Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing

Grammar Icon

Python for data mining Part 2

This workshop demonstrates the power of Numpy, Matplotlib, and Pandas for data analysis and mining, and enables you to develop skills to perform simple data analysis operations using Python. Before the workshop ensure you have Python installed. Options include

Before this workshop please attend Python for data mining Part 1

Reversing the Outline Icon

Reversing the Outline: How to edit your existing work

Before joining this workshop, you will need to choose an existing piece of work to edit, either a draft or a resubmission paper. You will then learn how to break down the work into paragraphs; carefully consider relevancy to the question; identify problems and themes; cut unnecessary parts and rearrange the whole piece together in an improved form.

After this session you may want to attend: Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing, Proofreading

Maths and Statistics

Using Specialist Software (SPSS) Part 1

The using specialist software session will take you through the basics of using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for data analysis and will ensure that you feel confident in using this versatile and responsive programme. 

Before this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Statistics

Reversing the Outline Icon

Using Specialist Software (SPSS) Part 2

This session will take you through using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for performing descriptive and inferential statistics. Kindly download and install SPSS before the session: SPSS Installation Guide

Before this session you may want to attend: Using Specialist Software (SPSS) Part 1 

Academic English Workshops

IBIS World Icon

Dissertation Café

Led by a lecturer or dissertation supervisor, this is a regular meeting for Master’s students to talk about their dissertations, theses and business transformation projects, giving you the space and strategies to discuss your topics together and help each other.

Academic English Workshops Icon

Grammar Clinic: Articles and verb tenses

Grammar Clinics are language-based workshops where you'll have a chance to review and practice the key grammar points you need for academic writing. In this workshop, we'll focus on articles and verb tenses.

Academic English Workshops Icon

Grammar Clinic: Cautious language and passives

Grammar Clinics are language-based workshops where you'll have a chance to review and practice the key grammar points you need for academic writing. In this workshop, we'll focus on cautious language and passives. 

Academic English Workshops Icon

Grammar Clinic: Conditionals and linkers

Grammar Clinics are language-based workshops where you'll have a chance to review and practice the key grammar points you need for academic writing. In this workshop, we'll focus on conditionals and linkers. 

Academic English Workshops Icon

Grammar Clinic: Relative clauses and adjectives

Grammar Clinics are language-based workshops where you'll have a chance to review and practice the key grammar points you need for academic writing. In this workshop, we'll focus on relative clauses and adjectives.

how to write a formal email

How to write a formal email

In this interactive workshop, you will learn how to write emails in a formal way, including how to structure a formal email, formal vs informal language, and intercultural differences when writing emails. 

improving your essay language

Improving Your Academic Vocabulary

In this workshop, you will explore techniques for expanding your academic vocabulary; enhance your ability to convey ideas with precision and paraphrase effectively; and learn to use word families proficiently, enriching your writing style for academic contexts.

fundamentals of Academic English Icon

Language for Critical Writing

Have you received feedback saying that you need to be more critical in your assignments?  We will introduce you to some sentence structures that are the most commonly used in academic writing to demonstrate critical thinking.

About us ELH Icon

Language for Discussions and Group Work

Do you struggle with group work or lack confidence when participating in a seminar? This workshop will provide you with language tips for successful group work and enable you to participate successfully in a seminar or group discussion.

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Language for problem solving, negotiation, collaboration

This workshop will enhance your communication skills for academic success and beyond, sharing strategies to articulate ideas effectively, negotiate solutions, and collaborate in group projects, as well as gain confidence to foster collaborative relationships.

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Language for Reflective Writing

This workshop provides essential language and skills for effective reflective writing, helping you improve your ability to reflect on your learning, describe and interpret learning experiences, and articulate outcomes to create impactful reflections.

Reflective Writing Icon

Language skills for executive summaries and abstracts

Important parts of academic assignments, this practical workshop provides a step-by-step guide in how to structure abstracts and executive summaries, and what language to use to impress your readers and your future stakeholders! 



4 language tools for paraphrasing

Language Tools for Research: Paraphrasing

This workshop will introduce you to key language tools that you can use when taking notes or writing assignments, with practice opportunities. This workshop is one in a three-part series - make sure you attend all three!


After this workshop, you may want to attend: Language Tools for Research: Quoting, Language Tools for Research: Reporting Verbs 

Writers Retreat Icon

Language Tools for Research: Quoting

All academic writing is based on referring to the work of others, but simply dropping a quote into your text is not enough. This workshop will show you how to more effectively integrate quotations into your writing, as well as avoid common errors. 

After this workshop, you may want to attend: Language Tools for Research: Paraphrasing, Language Tools for Research: Reporting Verbs 

Writers Retreat Icon

Language Tools for Research: Reporting Verbs

How do you introduce your paraphrases and quotes in your text in a seamless and coherent way? We'll introduce you to the key verbs that you can use when integrating research in your assignments, with practice opportunities.

After this workshop, you may want to attend: Language Tools for Research: Paraphrasing, Language Tools for Research: Quoting 

improving your essay language

Language Tools to Improve your Academic Style

This workshop provides essential language strategies to improve your academic writing style. It will introduce useful language strategies to make your writing more formal, clear, and precise and you'll have a chance to practice too.

how to pitch ideas

Let's Get Critical

This is a practical workshop to improve critical thinking and intercultural communication skills, discussing what we value when it comes to communication and what we feel is most difficult, as well as thinking critically about whether our perspective is correct. 

This workshop will be run hybrid. Join us face to face if you are in Berlin or online if you are elsewhere. 

About us ELH Icon

Lunchtime English Discussion Practice

This informal discussion session will offer you the chance to improve your debating and negotiating skills and provide an opportunity to receive feedback on your English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

how to give a presentation

Presenting in English

This workshop will guide you in how to present effectively. You'll learn some essential English phrases for organising your presentation and conveying information, as well as language for responding to audience questions and tips to improve your confidence and delivery. 

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Reading Academic Texts in English

This workshop will enhance your reading skills for academic success and beyond, sharing reading strategies such as skimming and scanning, tips to read more quickly and gain confidence to tackle complex texts such as academic journals.

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Synthesising sources and showing your voice

Making your voice clear in academic writing is challenging but essential. This workshop will help you to synthesise ideas and show your position to prove your thesis statement while focusing on the language you will need to achieve this. 


Tips to Improve your Essay

This workshop is designed to help you better understand how to improve academic writing by considering academic and non-academic features, linkers, academic language and more. There is also an opportunity to practise proofreading and apply what you have learned.

reporting changes on a graph

Vocabulary and Language for Graphs and Charts

Describing information in a graph clearly and accurately can be challenging. We will introduce and practise useful language to indicate changes on a graph to ensure you are able to explain data trends in an effective way.

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Writing a SWOT and PESTLE analysis

Join this workshop to master writing skills for SWOT and PESTLE analyses. Enhance your paragraph writing skills using analytical and critical language. Perfect for students seeking to excel in business analysis. Please note that this workshop is 90 minutes long.

ELH Tile Icon

Writing Academic Texts in English

Are you unsure what the main differences are between general and academic English? Had feedback on your writing that your style is too informal? We'll introduce you to the main differences between general and academic English and give you the opportunity to practise your academic writing skills during the workshop.