What is this topic about?

Efficient academic writing is essential for most assessments and requires you to develop your academic voice, so you can write in a clear, confident and concise style.

You can improve your writing and subject understanding by reading carefully and using effective note-making strategies. Reading widely will also enhance your critical thinking, crucial for balanced, nuanced assignments.

The resources below will support all aspects of your academic writing.


Introduction to Academic Writing

This workshop is an introduction to the importance of structuring, editing, and proofreading your work, highlighting some of the conventions that are useful and explaining what to avoid.  

After this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Critical Thinking 

Paraphrasing and Synthesising

Mastering these paraphrasing and synthesising techniques will strengthen your academic voice and thinking, and will also help you avoid plagiarism. In this workshop, we will explore the fundamentals of these techniques and provide clear guidance on how to use them, using a journal article as a worked example. When used correctly, these skills allow you to demonstrate the depth of your subject understanding and your ability to combine relevant material from many sources into a unified whole.

Developing your Academic Voice

This workshop focuses on using academic language to clearly articulate and communicate your thoughts in both your spoken and written assessments, enabling you to express yourself with more confidence. 

After this session you may want to attend: Academic Judgment, Reversing the Outline


mini-module Mini Modules
Critical Thinking Mini Module
mini-module Mini Modules
Introduction to Academic Writing Mini Module
mini-module Mini Modules
Exams and Assessments Mini Module


Intro to Academic Writing
Developing Your Academic Voice
Understanding Your Feedback