What is this topic about?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM skills are central to many programmes at Arden, including Computing and Engineering. These and other courses often require you to develop technical skills and work with numerical data, understand complex formulas, and use specialised statistical software. To help you build or refresh your programming and statistical skills, we offer a range of resources and workshops.


An Introduction to Statistics

Are you daunted by statistics and would like to understand more about working with statistical data? This workshop provides an opportunity for hands-on practice on performing descriptive statistics manually and with Microsoft Excel.

After this session you may want to attend: Using Specialist Software (SPSS), Advanced Statistics 

Advanced Statistics

Have you already attended 'An Introduction to Statistics'? Are you ready for the next level? Then this workshop is for you. There will be opportunity for hands-on practice on performing advanced statistics manually and within Microsoft Excel. 

After this session you may want to attend: Using Specialist Software (SPSS)

Excel Drop-in Session

Have a quick question about Excel? In this session, an Academic Skills Tutor will be available to answer all your Excel questions! Stop by for five mins, or stay for the whole hour, it’s completely up to you! 

After this session you may want to attend: Advanced statistics.


Advanced Statistics
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Introduction to Statistics