Getting Started

Welcome to the Design and Creativity Subject Guide
Using the Library Portal for Design and Creativity students

Recommended Workshops

Critical Thinking Icon
An Introduction to critical thinking

Do you get feedback that your writing is too descriptive? This workshop will help you to develop techniques for critical thinking to improve your writing. The session includes evaluating sources, argument construction and being critical in your writing.

Using AI for Academic Purposes
Using AI for Academic Purposes

This workshop will take you through how generative AI tools can be used in ethical ways for academic work, as well as ‘what not to do.’ We will also clarify how accessibility tools can be used and referenced in assignments.

Referencing workshop icon
Referencing: AU Harvard style

This workshop is for students who use the AU Harvard referencing style. It will focus on in-text citations, developing a reference list and how to reference some of the most frequently used source types.