Can I download e-books and journals and read them offline? 

Submitted by smurugesan on

Most of the items in the Library collection can be downloaded and read offline. The most effective way to view library items offline is to download Adobe Reader or to use your device's native apps. Below is some advice for particular eBook providers.


Install the Kortext app and then you will be able to download your eBooks for offline reading:  

Google Play Store 

Apple iOS Store 

Desktop App - Mac

Desktop App - PC

eBook Central  

eBook Central e-Bbooks can be downloaded and viewed offline using Adobe Digital Editions, which is free of charge. Sign up for free here, then download the app from: 
Google Play Store  
Apple Store  


E-books and journals from EBSCO can be downloaded using Adobe Digital Editions (see above). Alternatively, you can download the EBSCO Mobile App: 

Google Play Store  

Apple Store  

EBSCO Mobile App Tutorial  

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