I have booked an appointment with my Academic Skills Tutor, but I can no longer attend, or I am running late. What should I do?

Submitted by smurugesan on

If you are unable to attend an appointment you have booked, just send an email to study-skills@arden.ac.uk to let us know. Please try to give your tutor at least 24 hours’ notice if you cannot make an appointment and need to reschedule as this will help them to manage their time effectively.  

If you are delayed, please do your best to let your Academic Skills Tutor know personally, or email study-skills@arden.ac.uk. Your tutor can then keep the appointment open for you, and it will run for the remainder of the allocated 45 minutes. If you wish to book a follow-up appointment, you can do so using the schedulers on iLearn. 

If you fail to turn up for your appointment without notifying us, the Academic Skills Tutor will contact you to let you know that the room will be left open for a further 10 minutes, before closing altogether at 20 minutes past the scheduled time. 

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