The Library are committed to continually improving our collection of resources for your studies and we’re delighted to announce our newest addition: Emerald Journals!

Research to change the world

Emerald is a world-leading publisher of social science research, providing high quality, peer-reviewed research across their portfolio of journals.

Hundreds of journals, thousands of articles

Arden University students and staff now have access to hundreds of titles through three key collections of Emerald Journals:

  • Business, Management and Strategy Subject Collection.
  • Health and Social Care Subject Collection.
  • Learning and Organisation Studies Subject Collection.

Articles from Emerald Journals will be searchable and accessible on the Library Portal catalogue so you’ll be able to add them to your Project folders as you’re researching!

Multiple ways to access 

You can also access and browse the Emerald platform via the link in our A-Z List of Databases. Use the search bar or advanced search options on the homepage to find articles, filter to ‘Only content I have access to’ to read full text articles from the three collections. Individual journal titles have been added to BrowZine, our virtual journals collection space, for you to add to your bookshelf and keep up to date with.

We’re really excited about the addition of Emerald Journals to our collection and how they’ll enhance your research and assignments. If you have any questions or feedback, get in touch with us at:

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