As 2023 draws to a close, we wanted to put something a bit special together for you in celebration of another successful year for Arden University. The Library Services Team are delighted to presentour Appvent Calendar! See what we did there?  

Throughout December we’re promoting just some of the apps, databases and online resources that you can use to really enhance your skills and experience as a student. Whether you’re studying from home or on the go, these tools are available wherever you are. From some that you’ll be familiar with, like our textbook platform BibliU (although did you know about its amazing range of accessibility features?), to others that you might not know so well, like IBISWorld for top notch industry research; Statista for data on thousands of topics to sink your teeth into and beef up your assignments; LinkedIn Learning for your professional and career development needs, and a whole host more. There’s no chocolate to be had but we’d argue this is even better. 

You can access the calendar here: Arden Library Appvent Calendar. Each day, you can click on a door and be taken to a news story about a different exciting digital tool. Here, you can learn how to integrate the tool into your studies and how to get the most out of it.  

Remember to check back each day as a new door becomes clickable and reveals what’s underneath no seeing them all at once so there’s nothing left for the big day! 

We really hope you enjoy peeking behind each door to find a resource that’s well worth investigating. 

If you’ve used any of these resources and have some feedback on how helpful you’ve found them, we’d love to hear it! You can contact the library team and let us know at  

Happy Appvent 

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