The Learning Success Hub is delighted to announce the launch of AppsAnywhere, an online app store where you can find all the applications you need for your studies in one convenient place!

Making software easier for you

We know that throughout your studies you may need to use a variety of applications to complete tasks and assignments. AppsAnywhere streamlines and simplifies access. AppsAnywhere works like an app store, allowing you to stream a wide range of software on demand, either on PCs in University computer labs or your own laptop or desktop device, without the need to install individual applications.

All the apps you need for your studies

Using innovative Cloudpaging technology, AppsAnywhere offers instant, seamless access to applications such as Adobe Reader, Jamovi and SPSS, Microsoft Office, Python, and lots more!

When you log into AppsAnywhere you’ll see the full list of applications available to you, tailored to your study needs.

Getting started with AppsAnywhere

To get started, go to AppsAnywhere and log in using your Arden University O365 credentials. If you want to use it on your own laptop or desktop device, you’ll need to install ‘CloudPlayer’, which is required for launching the applications.

Then, you just need to find the application you want to use and click Launch. It’s as easy as that! You can make it even easier by favouriting your most used software for faster access and you can also share links to applications with other users.

Available support

For more information, see our AppsAnywhere page and visit our Support page to find a very helpful FAQ section.

We’re really excited about launching this new service on the Learning Success Hub and hope you are too

For additional support using AppsAnywhere, contact IT support:


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