The Arden Library team are looking for your stories on using the Library, research and studying at Arden for the Student Voice section of the new Library Newsletter!

Share your experiences with your fellow students and the wider university, by writing a short article (approx. 750-1,000 words) to feature in future issues! We want to hear from you on topics such as:

  • how you approach your assignments and/or research;
  • getting to grips with the library and its different resources;
  • your tips for your fellow students about approaching your studies…

The stories don't have to stop there - we want to hear what matters to you! And if you need some inspiration, see our first Student Voice feature here

The deadline for articles to be considered for the next issues is Friday 3rd June, but there is a rolling submission period - any articles received after this date will go forward to the next issue.

Write your article and submit by email:

Share it via:

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