Calling all Faculty of Social Sciences students – particularly if you’re studying Law, Policing & Forensics, or Criminal Justice!

The School of Law are running events throughout June – a great way to support your studies, develop your skills and meet other students.

One of the most exciting is the new Debate Society, open to all Faculty of Social Sciences students! Learn how to refine your arguments, apply research and debate skills, and get to know other peers along the way – this month’s debate topic is, “are UK provisions for Dementia sufficient?”

Debate Society meetings will take place on Friday 23rd June, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT and Friday 30th June, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT – you can find out more information and how to attend on iLearn here.

If you have any questions about the Debate Society, you can contact Russell Farmer:


And if you’re interested in attending, but feel you’d also like some insight on honing arguments and evaluating resources to support your ideas, you can always combine your delve into the Debate Society by coming to one of our Academic Skills Workshops:

“How to write an argument” – find out more and book a place here

“Generating Ideas” – find out more and book a place here

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