Eye-catching and user friendly

Business Source Ultimate, a key database covering all aspects of business and management, has a new, easy to navigate layout and much more visually pleasing display!

It’s now easier than ever to see what the database has to offer, including a wide range of leading journals and magazines for the latest discoveries, developments and trends.

The data you need

And that’s not all! Business Source Ultimate is bursting with company profiles, industry reports, SWOT analyses, case studies, and more!

You’ll also see popular topics, where you can learn about current issues making an impact across different business and management fields and navigate through clearly laid out multimedia sources.

Seamless search experience

You’ll find the search functions very similar to the main Library Portal search, and your EBSCO dashboard is there for you to save sources and add them to project folders as you go. Never worry about losing track while literature searching again!

See for yourself!

If you need research or data on any aspect of business, make sure you check out Business Source Ultimate through the Learning Success Hub’s Library Portal and enjoy this great new update!

Find out more and explore the new look Business Source Ultimate

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