October is Black History Month in the UK, a time to celebrate Black culture, honour and reflect on triumph in the face of prejudice and adversity, and recognise progress still to be made. The origins of Black History Month can be traced back to the 1920s in the United States, where it was born out of a strong desire to record and commemorate African American history and cultural tradition in schools in the face of a segregated society where anti-Black racism was deeply ingrained. Marked in February to coincide with the birthdays of abolitionists Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, it has grown from a limited initial observance to become an integral part of curricula across the US and internationally, and celebrations extend far beyond educational institutions. Black History Month has been observed in the UK since 1987 and was initiated to give Black British children a sense of pride in and identity with their heritage through learning about Black history and being surrounded by positive images and representations.

Each year a different theme is chosen for the campaign to highlight Black experiences and achievements and this year the theme is ‘Saluting Our Sisters’. Embracing the complexity of intersectionality, this theme aims to uplift, amplify, and commemorate Black women in all aspects of life. Often underrepresented and facing layers of oppression and discrimination, throughout October we’re celebrating the powerful strides made and barriers broken by Black women across myriad fields. You can read more about Black History Month 2023’s national campaign, and some of the trailblazers that have made immeasurable impacts, here: Black History Month

To mark Black History Month 2023 in the Library Service we’ve curated a dedicated collection of eBook titles, aligned to our course subjects, some of which focus specifically on the perspectives and voices of Black women in fields such as public health, business, and STEM. Other titles also explore Black experiences in areas such as design and creativity, counselling and psychotherapy, computing, and more. We hope that you’ll find this collection of books informative, thought-provoking, and a valuable addition to our resources and to your studies. You can access the full list here: Black History Month 2023 collection and they’ll be searchable on the Library Portal.

We’d love to know what you think so if you have any questions or feedback please get in touch at libraries@arden.ac.uk.

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