June 2024 is Pride Month, an annual celebration of the many contributions made by the LGBTQ+ community to history, society and cultures worldwide. With events taking place across Arden University in celebration, here in the Library Service we’re joining in and championing our LGBTQ+ students and staff. 

We have range of initiatives on the go that we invite you to get involved with! Feel free to take part in any or all of these activities, and help us to mark Pride Month 2024 with contributions from across the whole university!


Suggest an eBook for our Spotlight Collection: 

We are curating our very first “Pride and LGBTQ+” eBook collection!  

The collection is already underway, with a range of titles focusing on both LGBTQ+ and Pride history, as well as different subject specialist focuses – you can see the titles so far and browse the eBooks here: Pride and LGBTQ+ Spotlight Collection 

However, we would like YOUR help to continue adding titles throughout Pride Month, to create a truly fantastic promotional collection for wider awareness and sharing across the rest of the year. Please fill out the following eBook suggestion form and we’ll add your titles to the collection if we can! Suggest an eBook Form  


Submit songs for our “SPARKle with Pride” playlist: 

We want your suggestions to put together a special celebratory “SPARKle for Pride” playlist! 

We’ll be taking the best suggestions received and featuring them in a special Spotify playlist as a soundtrack to different Pride events and other activities during Pride Month. Help us by submitting your song ideas to provide inspiration – or maybe just a catchy tune or two! – for staff and students, to keep the celebrations moving and grooving. 

Submit your suggestions here: SPARKle with Pride Playlist 


Contribute a blog post to feature on the Library Portal during Pride Month: 

Throughout Pride Month, we’d love to feature a range of short blog posts on the Library Portal, centred on Pride and LGBTQ+ perspectives, and written by anyone from across the university who would like to get involved – staff and students alike!  

Ideas for contributions could range from celebrating the different elements of Pride history, LGBTQ+ experiences, ongoing challenges and ways to support LGBTQ+ inclusivity, and more… We want to hear about what matters to you!  

If you’re interested in writing a blog post to feature during Pride Month, we just need your post to be between 250 – 1,000 words and then emailed in to libraries@arden.ac.uk.




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