About the Learning Success Hub

The Learning Success Hub is here to support you throughout your academic journey with tutoring, workshops and study resources.

Our specialist team of Librarians, Academic Skills Tutors and English Language Lecturers can help you to make the most of our range of services. We can work closely with you to understand your unique study needs, build your confidence and provide personalised study strategies and guidance to support you in achieving your academic goals.

Find out more about each team and how we can help!

Library Team

The Arden University Library Portal is an extensive digital library, available 24/7 and containing the academic resources you need for your study and assignments.

Our team of Librarians can help you with locating resources in the Library Portal, accessing eBooks, using Library databases, and developing strategies to find the resources you need more effectively.

Contact the Library team at library@arden.ac.uk

I’m Arden’s Director of Library and Learning Success Hub and have more than 20 years' experience in leading libraries in the higher education sector. The Learning Success Hub is here to help you…

I'm a Chartered Librarian with over 20 years of experience in senior and managerial roles across academic and public libraries. I am responsible for managing the Library Portal and collections,…

I’m a qualified Librarian with an MA in Information and Library Studies and experience of over 11 years in NHS and academic libraries. My specialisms are collection development, acquisitions, data…

Academic Skills Tutors

Our team of Academic Skills Tutors deliver workshops, one-to-one appointments, and teaching sessions on a broad range of academic skills, including academic writing, academic integrity, study skills and specialist STEM skills.

You can meet a tutor online or on campus to discuss your study needs and get personalised support to develop your academic skills and improve your assignments.

Contact the Academic Skills Team at AcademicSkills@arden.ac.uk

Trudy Waterton-Duly
Deputy Head of Library Services (Learning and Teaching)

I oversee Academic Skills, with over 25 years in higher education. I hold a degree in music, an MA in Information Services Management, and am a Chartered Librarian. Having studied while working…

Sam Thomas AST profile image
Sam Thomas
Senior Academic Skills Tutor
Can Support Students with:
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Low Self-Esteem and Low Confidence
  • Limited Digital Experience
Academic Specialisms:
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools
  • Digital Skills
  • Dissertations
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Library Resources
Lisa Farrant
Lisa Farrant
Senior Academic Skills Tutor
Can Support Students with:
  • Low Self-Esteem and Low Confidence
  • Limited Digital Experience
Academic Specialisms:
  • Digital Skills
  • Reading and Notetaking
  • Referencing
  • Turnitin
  • Using the Library

English Language Lecturers

The English Language Hub is dedicated to supporting students studying with English as an additional language. Our team of English language lecturers can provide courses, resources and guidance on any aspect of academic English, including writing, grammar and vocabulary.

Contact the English Language Hub team at EnglishLanguageHub@arden.ac.uk

Louise Skeet
Louise Skeet
Head of English Language Hub

I’m the Head of the English Language Hub, with a background in Linguistics from Cambridge and currently pursuing an MBA. I have experience working at universities in the UK and abroad, and I'm a…

Amanda Welfare
Amanda Welfare
Senior English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Lecturer
Can Support Students with:
  • English as an Additional Language
  • ADHD
  • Anxiety and Stress
  • Dyslexia and Learning Differences
Academic Specialisms:
  • English as Additional Language
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools
  • Dissertations
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Reading and Notetaking
Cristiana Rodrigues ELH profile image
Cristiana Rodrigues
Senior English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Lecturer
Can Support Students with:
  • English as an Additional Language
Academic Specialisms:
  • English as Additional Language
  • Artificial Intelligence Tools
  • Exams and Assessments
  • Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Reading and Notetaking