What is this topic about?

Efficient academic writing is essential for most assessments and requires you to develop your academic voice, so you can write in a clear, confident and concise style.

You can improve your writing and subject understanding by reading carefully and using effective note-making strategies. Reading widely will also enhance your critical thinking, crucial for balanced, nuanced assignments.

The resources below will support all aspects of your academic writing.


Active Listening

This workshop explains how mastering active listening enhances note-taking, lecture comprehension, and feedback interpretation, offering tips and advice to help students integrate and elevate their existing skills for academic success. 

After this session you may want to attend: Notetaking, Time Management, Proofreading 

Note Taking

This workshop will demonstrate the process of understanding and memorising new concepts and information through effective note-taking, exploring different styles so that you can find the method that suits you best. 

After this session you may want to attend: Approaching Assignments, Time Management

Reversing the Outline – How to Edit Your Existing Work

In this session you will learn how to edit your draft starting from reversing its outline. Before joining this workshop, you will need to choose an existing piece of work to edit, either a draft or a resubmission paper. Be prepared to break down the paper into paragraphs, carefully consider the key topic of each paragraph and its relevance to the question; identify problems; identify themes; cut unnecessary parts and rearrange the whole paper together in an improved form.


From Descriptive to Critical

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