What is this topic about?

Efficient academic writing is essential for most assessments and requires you to develop your academic voice, so you can write in a clear, confident and concise style.

You can improve your writing and subject understanding by reading carefully and using effective note-making strategies. Reading widely will also enhance your critical thinking, crucial for balanced, nuanced assignments.

The resources below will support all aspects of your academic writing.


Generating Ideas (Getting Started)

This workshop will guide you through techniques and approaches to creative and original thinking, covering techniques like mind-mapping, discussion, free-writing, and other reflective practices to unlock your ideas for your assignments. 

After this session you may want to attend: Reflective Writing, Understanding the Assignment 


This workshop is designed to help you with the last stages of completing your assignments. It aims to walk you through the process of proofreading your own work, providing you with some hints and tips to improve your proofreading ability. 

After this session you may want to attend: Harvard/APA/OSCOLA Referencing Paraphrasing, A Guide to Synthesis 

Upcoming Workshops

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