What is this topic about?

Efficient academic writing is essential for most assessments and requires you to develop your academic voice, so you can write in a clear, confident and concise style.

You can improve your writing and subject understanding by reading carefully and using effective note-making strategies. Reading widely will also enhance your critical thinking, crucial for balanced, nuanced assignments.

The resources below will support all aspects of your academic writing.


Paragraph Structure

In this workshop, we will discuss how you can begin to express your ideas effectively by constructing coherent and cohesive paragraphs, providing you a space to practise constructing and linking paragraphs that convey your arguments clearly. 

After this session you may want to attend: How to Write an Argument.

An Introduction to Critical Thinking

This workshop aims to provide students with a better understanding of how to progress from descriptive writing to a more critical discussion. The session looks at evaluating sources, argument construction and employing more critical language in your writing. 

After this session you may want to attend: Critical Thinking and Writing, An Introduction to Academic Writing, Reflective Writing 

Critical Thinking and Writing

Have you been told, "your writing is too descriptive"? This workshop explores the focus, language and approach required to produce clear critical writing, providing a framework for students to interact with academic texts critically and with confidence. 

Before this session you may want to attend: An Introduction to Critical Thinking 


Reflective Writing
Reading and Note-taking
Introduction to Critical Thinking