What is this topic about?

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM skills are central to many programmes at Arden, including Computing and Engineering. These and other courses often require you to develop technical skills and work with numerical data, understand complex formulas, and use specialised statistical software. To help you build or refresh your programming and statistical skills, we offer a range of resources and workshops.


Programming with Java Part 1

This workshop covers programming using Java, including how to define an algorithm, understand the key features of Java programming language, and develop the foundational skills to write basic Java programs. Before the workshop you will need to install VS Code with Java pack OR create a free account on replit.com for maximum benefit. 

After this session you may want to attend: Programming with Java part 2

Programming with Java Part 2

This workshop covers the most important programming control structures and participants will learn how to write and implement simple Java programs. Before the workshop you will need to install VS Code with Java pack OR create a free account on replit.com for maximum benefit. 

Before this workshop, please attend Programming with Java Part 1 

Python for Data Mining Part 1

This workshop introduces the Python skills required for data mining operations, including file operations, modules and applications including NumPy, Matplotlib, and Pandas. 

Before the workshop, ensure you have Python installed.

After this session you may want to attend Python for Data Mining Part Two 


SPSS Part One
SPSS Part Two
Using Jamovi (Part 1)