Police Journal

The Police Journal is a peer-reviewed journal covering research, conceptual articles, theoretical overviews or reviews, and articles on good practice or practice evaluation in policing.


Police Journal

The Police Journal is a peer-reviewed journal covering research, conceptual articles, theoretical overviews or reviews, and articles on good practice or practice evaluation in policing.


Police Practice and Research

Police Practice and Research publishes articles on developments in policing, public order, state of safety, community policing, country- or region-specific police organization and more.


Police Quarterly

Police Quarterly is an academic journal covering issues relating to policing. It is published quarterly in association with the Police Executive Research Forum (www.policeforum.org) and the Police Section of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (www.acjs.org).


Practical Law

Practical Law is an online legal know-how service. It provides rigorous peer-reviewed resources, such as practice notes, standard documents and current awareness services. Practical Law works in conjunction with Westlaw UK, allowing you to link the expert legal know-how with the primary legal materials.