EBSCO eBook Collection

EBSCO’s eBook Collection is a multi-disciplinary collection of eBooks aligned to Arden University’s programmes.


EBSCO eBook Collection

EBSCO’s eBook Collection is a multi-disciplinary collection of eBooks aligned to Arden University’s programmes.


EBSCO eBook Collection

EBSCO’s eBook Collection is a multi-disciplinary collection of eBooks aligned to Arden University’s programmes.


Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. It includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers.


Education Resources Information Center (ERIC)

ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) is an authoritative database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources. It includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, dissertations and policy papers.