
Blog   Editing
Feedback: What Does Yours Mean?

So, I could be getting a bit ahead of myself here, but feedback is probably the most useful aspect of your studies (I know, probably too…

Blog   Academic Writing
On the Power of Writing

  If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write. Martin Luther (c. 1517)    To understand the complexity of a problem, …

Blog   Reflective Writing
Practise or Practice? The Importance of Being Reflective

I write this from the sofa, one leg resting on an upturned laundry basket, with a large bag of frozen Quorn Mince slowly melting on my knee…

Blog   Academic Writing
January Considerations

The New Year’s Resolution has a long and varied history. In early 1802 Walker’s Hibernian Magazine published an article making fun of the…

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